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Technology the key to engaging boys in reading?

The National Literacy Trust and Pearson yesterday published a fascinating report on how tablets and touch-screen technology could be vital to engage new readers from key groups of young children where literacy is a concern, namely poor children and boys.


The survey outlines that twice as many boys as girls look at or read stories on a touch-screen for longer than they look at or read printed stories. And indeed that more boys than girls use a touch screen for educational activities than for entertainment.

Great news for any parent of a little boy who just won't sit still to read books!

It's really interesting to consider why this might be too. Do tablets and other touch-screen technology just deliver the same content but in a more colourful and engaging way? What is it about digital content that makes it more engaging for boys?

The report will no doubt prevoke great debate on this subject.

As adults who learnt to read with good old paper printed books, it can be a struggle sometimes for us to know what is right for our children who have so much more available to them. Sometimes, it just doesn't feel "right" that our kids are using tablets and "fun" technology for learning. But, most parents will no doubt agree that if something helps with learning then we should definitely try to embrace it - and who doesn't want their child to have fun whilst learning?

What most parents need is probably guidance on how to use touch-screen devices to help their children's learning. Maybe that guidance is what is missing?


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